
Flying Sanitized: How Air Travel May Change Forever After Coronavirus

Things are not going to be the same after this COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Especially when we think about air travel, everything will be changed, and we need to welcome the new 2020 Airline travelling guidelines. Attention everyone, flying sanitized ! Before you board a flight, you need to walk through more security parameters. Disinfecting everything from your luggage might be hard, and to your surprise, you may need to wear PPE kits during air travel .  What's worse is we don't have the authority to touch anything during flight except our mobiles. And you don't even get allowed for boarding even if you sneeze around. So, check out what future air travel will look like. Touchless Technology Previously, where flight boarding needed to cross-examine physically, but now, here, you will get scanners that scan you to allow you boarding pass without coming in contact with each other. Your mobile would be only your remote control to board the flight without touching any...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Impact On Aviation Business

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has left the world into a difficult place. Not only is it posing a serious threat to human life, but it has also badly affected the world economy and business all over the globe. Among others, the aviation industry has had a significant impact. By now, each one of us might have seen the shocking images of empty airports caused due to the outbreak of coronavirus, revealing how it has impacted airport operations in many ways . Aviation industry’s revenue generation is directly linked to traffic levels, and as the flight bans and cancellation are leading to fewer flights, there are no means of generating revenue. As per the reports , March 2020 saw 10% of all flights canceled compared to 2019, which gradually increased to over 80% of flight movements being restricted across all regions by April 2020. Even after the bans have been lifted in certain parts of the world, the number of passengers has been decreasing significantly, resulting in limited flights ...